Monday, October 3, 2011


Its been helluva long time since my last post, and I don't have time for this even now..but i seem to be one of those who always says "i don't have time", which is a dirty habit. So I better do this N-O-W.

My world is now his world too. My own little bit of the cosmos, Mihir. He entered the world in front of me on September 4, 2011 in San Diego (i guess you could say i had a bird's eye view). Funnily enough, just like me, with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. In my case, it necessitated an emergency C-section, in his case, thankfully not.

The days have been long and the nights longer since his arrival. My wife and I like our shut-eye, always have - how else would we have conceived our little bundle?:) But those dreamy days disappeared with Mihir's appearance. What we have gained makes the loss of sleep a minor inconvenience.

Afflicted by nature's programming disease "ourbabyisthecutestofall-itis", we are so happy to be able to get up to his cooing and random smiles - which are not yet correlated to our faces in his face. As he turns 1 - that' s 1 month - we look forward to everyday of whatever the future holds for us now that we are with him. That is not something one can say honestly about the future regarding anything else, even if you are the happiest-go-luckiest person in the world.

I hope to be able to post at his monthly anniversaries for the first year - let's see how that goes. Here he is - our little Gizmoo - at 1 month. We love him to life.

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